Adapt to Changes
Don’t take everything you have for granted. Detect even a small change that you might lose something or someone you...
Emotion Management vs Mindset Management – Part 2: “Don’t Feed Your Emotion Too Much”
By now, you should understand the meaning of “Silence is Golden” and the “3 Days Rule”. While you are thinking...
Emotion Management vs Mindset Management – Part 1: “Silence is Golden”
John works in a company. He is quite emotional and one day, he has a problem with his colleague named...
Stop Blaming Others or Conditions
One of the most useless things in this world for me is blaming conditions or other people. It’s just feeding...
Positive Thinking vs Positive Action
Donna is a boutique owner and manage it herself. She is a very positive person and kind hearted. She always...
7 Books I Want Both of You to Read
Must Read: 1. How to Win Friends and Influence People – by Dale Carnegie. 2. Dare to Fail – by...
Thinking Out of the Box vs Rebellious Thinking
Thinking out of the box is when you are thinking of something that is different than most people, and most...
Labyrinth of Life
Since we’re born, we are living in a labyrinth. A labyrinth of life. We can’t choose how you were born....
7 Points – How to Create a Goal
A life without a goal is the same when you are playing soccer without a goal. Imagine you and your...
Event + Response = Outcome – “Jack Canfield, The Success Principle”
This is the best lesson in Decision Making, for me in my life so far. I got it when I...